
Cookies are text files created automatically by the websites visited on the user’s device (computer, mobile phone, tablet, etc.), which record information that serves to facilitate navigation and archive user preferences for the next visit to the website.

Some types of Cookies may store personal information, such as name, email address and other data that can be requested on a form, login data on the website, etc. As a result, to ensure the protection of the personal data of internet users, several laws around the world require the website to inform the user that, when accessing it, these files called Cookies will be recorded on their device, what their functions are and what information they store.

The platform for creating our website is WordPress, which uses small programs called plugins, which require cookies to perform their functions correctly. In addition, other functions and service providers on our website also use Cookies, as follows:

WordPressWebsite creation and structuring platform.
CloudflareCDN service: Content Delivery Network. It replicates the storage of our website data on servers spread around the world, for greater speed when opening the website, according to the geographic location of the user.
Google AnalyticsProvider of anonymous website access statistics.
PolylangWebsite translation plugin, which allows our website to offer more than one language.
LiteSpeed CachePlugin that allows different types of optimization to the site. In our case, it is used to compress the programming code, making the data smaller and speeding up the loading of the site.
JetpackPlugin that offers different services to the site. In our case, it is applied among other functions, to generate the Cookies acceptance message.
IncapsulaService that provides network security and protection against malicious attacks.
Redux FrameworkFramework for developing themes for WordPress and site navigation features.

It is worth mentioning that the creation, use and storage of Cookies by these Services is independent of our choice or action, since many (if not all) of these services do not even have the option to disable Cookies.

Cookies generated by our Site

By accessing our website, the Cookies below can be recorded on your device:

ServiceCookieFunctionDuration on user’s device
Cloudflare__cfduidIdentify individual visitors anonymously, to prevent access by malicious visitors.30 days
Google Analytics___utmvcCollects data such IP address, geographic location and time of access for anonymous Google statistics.1 day
Polylangpll_languageStores the selected language, either by clicking on the language icon on our website, or by automatically detecting the language of the user’s browser365 days
WordPresswp-settings-{user}Preserves the settings of the site administrator user. It does not affect the common visitor.360 days
WordPresswp-settings-time-{user}Defines the preservation time of the site administrator user’s settings. It does not affect the common visitor.360 days
WordPresswordpress_test_cookieChecks whether it is possible to store Cookies.Only while the website is open in the browser
WordPresswordpress_logged_in_{x}Memorize the session of the common visitor, if he is logged on the site, for example to make comments on posts.15 days
WordPresswordpress_sec_{x}Stores the data of the logged in user, for protection against hackers.15 days
LiteSpeed Cache_lscache_varyStores the status and login profile of the WordPress user. Created for caching function, although not applied on our website.2 days
JetpackeucookielawRecords the click on the “Close” button of our Cookie message, so that it does not appear when you visit the site again.180 days
Jetpacktk_{x}Stores the site usage history for anonymous WordPress service statistics.Only while the website is open in the browser
Incapsulavisid_incap_{x}Ensures that user interactions with the site are sent to the correct server.355 days
Incapsulaincap_ses_{x}Filters malicious access to the site.Only while the website is open in the browser
Redux Frameworkredux_current_tabAllows navigation using tabs in the browser and the formatting of the website menu.1 day

The Cookies above were all that we have been able to detect on our website to date and investigate their respective function through a lot of research on the Internet. It is also possible that not all the functions of the listed Cookies are declared here. This is all because, although our website was created by ourselves through WordPress, we are not professional website developers and consequently we do not have all the technical knowledge about each plugin or service that is working on our website. If you detect any Cookies that you believe need to be included in this list or that require further explanation, please contact us via our contact e-mail:

Third Party Service Cookies

The pages and posts on our website may include content and elements created based on and maintained by third party services, which in turn generate Cookies on your device.

The cookies of these services, their functions and collected data are not controlled (and even known) by us and each of these services has its own privacy policy. Thus, when accessing our pages and posts that present these contents, you will be subject to these Policies and the respective Cookies generated, as if accessing the original service website.

Those services are: Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, VesselFinder

For more details on the information on the Privacy and Cookie Policies of these services, please consult the respective websites.

Deleting Cookies from Your Device

If you wish, you can delete Cookies from your device whenever you want, not only those from our website, but also from all other websites you access.

Each browser (Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer) and platform (Android, Windows, iOS) has its own way of eliminating Cookies. Please verify about the correct and safe way to delete them according to your device model.

Remember that for the perfect functioning of our website, Cookies must be enabled.

Updated on 06.12.2020