The announcement of new ships

Several official announcements from DCL since March 2016 have left Disney cruises lovers extremely excited: new ships to be launched in next years rised the wish to travel with DCL, creating high expectations about how they will be, what will be their names and which itineraries they will cover in the world.

Below you’ll find a short summary of all those announcements.

Two new ships!

On March 3rd, 2016, Walt Disney Company, owner of Disney Cruise Line, announced the construction of two new ships to integrate DCL fleet.

Likewise Disney Dream and Disney Fantasy, building of fifth and sixth ships will be held by german shipyard Meyer Werft, based em Papenburg, Germany.

Two new ships Fleet Expansion representation. Image: Disney Cruise Line
Two new ships Fleet Expansion representation. Image: Disney Cruise Line

Delivery is forecasted to 2021 and 2023 and ships basic dimensions will be very similar to Dream and Fantasy. Total of passengers staterooms will be similar also, around 1,250 staterooms.

Furthermore, it was informed that ships style, regarding design and external colors, will follow the standards of the first four ships, keeping the elegance of DCL ships, inspired by big ocean liners from the past.

Seventh ship is announced!

During D23 Expo that took place in Anaheim, California, on July 15th, 2017, a seventh ship was announced, with delivery scheduled to 2022, also to be build by Meyer Werft.

Seven Ships artistic concept. Image: Disney Cruise Line
Seven Ships artistic concept. Image: Disney Cruise Line

Additionaly, it was informed that the three new ships will be powered by LNG (liquified natural gas), what siginificantly reduces polluent gases emission in comparison to Diesel, fuel that powers current ships.

In this way, from 2021 on we’ll have a new ship by year, almost duplicating DCL fleet.

First image revealed

On March 8th, 2018, DCL published the first image showing how the three new ships will look like.

New ships external design rendering. Image: Disney Cruise Line
New ships external design rendering. Image: Disney Cruise Line

Not only on dimensions and staterooms amount, it was confirmed that externally the new ships will be very similar to Disney Dream and Disney Fantasy.

One remarkable difference are two small verandah areas slightly curved on higher decks, right above lifeboats, indicating staterooms categories with bigger verandahs than usual.

In the pictures below, it’s possible to compare Disney Fantasy with new ships rendering.

The rendering image suggests that AquaDuck will be present in new ships, but once attractions variations may occur between ships, as today Disney Dream do not offers AquaLab on Pool Deck as Disney Fantasy does, it’s possible that not all ships have AquaDuck.

Despite of that, as was informed by DCL that the new ships will offer new attractions, inovative tecnologies andmore Disney charactes than ever, it’s possible that Pool Deck entertainment have something as inovative and fun as was AquaDuck in Disney Dream launching.

New ships names

Names of the new three ships weren’t released yet. Traditionally this announcement happens when the ships are in advanced building stages.

Thus, it is expected that the official names will only be known in the launch year of each ship.

In the meanwhile there are great speculation in internet about possible names. Wishes, Believe, Imagine are terms that refer to Disney Parks attractions and to world of Disney, and then have good chances to become real…

Disney Ship 5 is named

On D23 Expo realized in August 25th, 2019, Disney Ship 5 name was revealed: Disney Wish.

In addition to the long-awaited name, were revealed through rendered images, the Stern Characters Rapunzel and Pascal, Lobby Atrium and a little bit more of ship’s external visual. Check below:

Video: Disney Cruise Line
Disney Wish - External Rendering. Image: Disney Cruise Line
Disney Wish – External Rendering. Image: Disney Cruise Line
Stern Characters: Rapunzel and Pascal. Image: Disney Cruise Line
Stern Characters: Rapunzel and Pascal. Image: Disney Cruise Line
Disney Wish - Lobby Atrium Rendering
Disney Wish – Lobby Atrium Rendering